
West Hill Golf Club

Hole 9 - Par 3 - 173 Yards

  173 Yds   Par 3   S.I. 18
  169 Yds   Par 3   S.I. 18
  151 Yds   Par 3   S.I. 18

Clubbing is critical as the green is slightly below the tee. Beyond the green is trouble and at the front, bunkers guard a narrow entrance. The percentage play is to play for the centre of the green wherever the pin is situated and rely on your putter to negotiate the tier if you do not finish on the same level as the pin.


Course Status

West Hill: Course open. No buggies permitted.

West hill golf club

Bagshot Rd, Brookwood, Woking GU24 0BH


01483 474365

Pro Shop

01483 473172

Society & Visitor Enquiries

01483 474365

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